The Laneway to Spirit
Hi, I’m Jay Lane, Psychic Medium and Host of The Laneway to Spirit. My mission is to bring a unique perspective to the metaphysical world by sharing my personal stories and experiences in hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spiritual paths. Get ready to be inspired and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. So, grab your favourite mug, settle in, and let’s get started!
Drops Thursdays @ 8 AM EST!
NOTE - I just wanted to inform you that unless permissions were given, the persons discussed in this program do not reflect any person or situation. If you feel there is a likeness to your situation, understand it is strictly unintentional or coincidental by the hosts.
The Laneway to Spirit
Stuck Between Realms: Understanding Earthbound Spirits
Ever wonder why certain spirits linger on our earthly plane, tethered to places and people they once cherished? Join me, Jay Lane, as I unravel the enigmatic phenomenon of earthbound spirits. Through personal stories and heartfelt experiences, we explore the reasons some souls remain in our world—whether it's due to unresolved emotions, unfinished promises, or the suddenness of their departure. Be captivated by tales like that of a client who senses her late husband's presence in the familiar scent of cigarette smoke, and Michelle's poignant journey with her fiancé's unfulfilled vow. Together, we navigate the complexities of spirits who find themselves balancing between realms, seeking comfort and closure.
The episode goes beyond the eerie tales to touch on the challenges spirits face when their passing is sudden or tragic. Discover how love, acceptance, and understanding can become guiding lights for these souls, as well as the living, helping them find peace. From my father's confused transition after a coma-induced death to the lingering presence of a cousin who struggled with life and death, these narratives highlight the transformative power of embracing one's spirituality. Tune in with your favorite mug in hand, ready to explore the mysteries of the spirit world and the solace it offers to both the living and the departed.
Get ready to be captivated and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. Join me, your host Jay Lane, on the Laneway to Spirit, as I share my stories and personal experiences in the hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spirituality. Grab your favorite mug and settle in, and let's get started.
Speaker 2:Hello and welcome to the Languag of Spirit. The concept of earthbound spirits has fascinated people for generations, giving rise to countless tales, myths and paranormal explorations. But what exactly are earthbound spirits, and why do some souls seem unable to move on after the physical death? Today, I wanted to explore the nature of earthbound spirits, their characteristics and the reasons why they may become trapped in the realm between the living and the afterlife. Earthbound spirits are typically identified as souls of individuals who have passed away but remain connected to the physical world. They may linger in a particular location, often tied to places they frequented during their lifetime, or remain close to specific individuals such as family or friends. These spirits are not necessarily malevolent. In fact, many times they simply seek comfort, familiarity or closure.
Speaker 2:Earthbound spirits often have deep emotional connections to specific people or locations. They may feel a strong pull towards families, homes or even objects that were significant during their lifetime. I remember one particular client who kept on smelling smoke in her family room. She said that the type of cigarette that she was smelling was connected to her husband, who had always smoked in his favorite chair in the family room, and he had passed away very quickly and I believe his soul didn't realize that he had died. So I explained to her that this was a connection to a specific location in her home where he felt the happiest, especially while smoking cigarettes in his favorite chair. When it comes to unfinished business, many earthbound spirits have unresolved issues that prevent them from transitioning to the afterlife. This can range from emotional ties to unfinished tasks, such as a promise made to a loved one or a conflict that never reached resolution. This reminds me of the story of Michelle, whose fiancé had promised to marry her before passing away. However, that never happened. He died days before they were to marry and I believe his soul was lingering around because of the promise he made to her, making it hard for him to leave. I encouraged her to tell him that he had passed away and that it was okay that he didn't marry her because, had he survived, she knew in her heart that they would have married. She said that once she had had this conversation with him, she felt that his soul had been relieved and although she loved to feel his presence, she didn't feel him lingering around as much as he had been, which made her feel happy.
Speaker 2:Now, moving on to tragic circumstances of death. Sudden or violent deaths can leave individuals in a state of confusion, making it challenging for them to understand their new reality and encouraging them to stay in the physical realm, like my father, for instance. My father passed away while he was in a coma. My father had no clue that he had died. His soul lingered here for about a week after his death and my mother, who was a practicing psychic, knew that he was earthbound. She sat down one night and had a heart-to-heart with his soul, telling him that he had died while in a coma and that he needed to go through to the light. She felt the heaviness of his soul, as she put it, lifting to the heavens and saw in her mind's eye the biggest smile on his face. She felt comforted, knowing that his soul had moved on.
Speaker 2:Some believe that the fear of judgment or punishment in the afterlife can anchor a spirit to this world. This fear might stem from personal beliefs acquired during their lifetime or cultural teachings, for instance, when it comes to spirits who are ashamed of who they were or those who died by way of suicide. Some souls do not want to accept death, just as they don't want to accept life, and many of them stay stuck in between realms. This is by no means a way of punishment for these souls. They are simply confused or may not want to accept their death because of their beliefs. I had a cousin who died by way of suicide and I felt him grounded here because he didn't want to accept his death, just like he couldn't accept living, and it took a few conversations with his soul, as well as a banishing ritual, to talk his soul into going through to the light. All souls eventually do cross through to the other side. Again, this is not punishment for souls. They are guided by spirits who can also assist them in learning more about their soul's purpose and helping them cross through to the afterlife.
Speaker 2:So why do spirits get stuck in between realms? Well, several factors contribute to why earthbound spirits may remain trapped in a liminal space between the physical world and the afterlife emotional bonds. The strongest reason seems to be emotional attachment. Spirits may feel a responsibility towards loved ones that keeps them lingering. They might want to provide comfort, guidance or protection, but fail to realize that their presence can sometimes worry or distress those they love.
Speaker 2:There's also trauma and confusion, unexplained events such as accidental deaths, unexpected illnesses. These can leave a person in a state of shock, leading them to opt to stay rather than transitioning to an unknown realm that they're unprepared for, and this trauma can create a lingering feeling of confusion, similar to being lost. There's also ignorance of their state. Some spirits may not even realize that they're dead. The transition from life to the afterlife can be disorienting, and if a spirit doesn't recognize their death, they're likely to remain in a familiar environment while trying to process what's happened. There's also cultural and religious beliefs, and in many cultures, the afterlife is viewed through the lens of a specific religious or spiritual belief. Fear stemming from those beliefs can prevent a soul from moving on, as they worry about the repercussions of their actions during life.
Speaker 2:Earthbound spirits represent a captivating intersection of life, death and the unknown. They're shaped not just by their life experiences, but also by the emotional and spiritual ties they forged while living. And understanding earthbound spirits invites us to look at our own lives, our relationships and the importance of closure, not just for ourselves but also for those who may still be lingering in the shadows of our world. In exploring the uncanny realm of earthbound spirits, we're reminded that the boundaries between life and death are not as clear-cut as they might seem. Through compassion, understanding and sacred rituals, we could provide support not only for the living, but also to those who might be waiting for a gentle nudge towards their next journey. I want to thank you so much for listening in today. I hope you have an absolutely beautiful week ahead and until next time, we'll talk to you again real soon. Bye-bye.
Jay Lane:Thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Laneway to Spirit. To learn more about me, visit my website at mediumjaylane. com or my socials on Facebook and Instagram.