The Laneway to Spirit
Hi, I’m Jay Lane, Psychic Medium and Host of The Laneway to Spirit. My mission is to bring a unique perspective to the metaphysical world by sharing my personal stories and experiences in hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spiritual paths. Get ready to be inspired and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. So, grab your favourite mug, settle in, and let’s get started!
Drops Thursdays @ 8 AM EST!
NOTE - I just wanted to inform you that unless permissions were given, the persons discussed in this program do not reflect any person or situation. If you feel there is a likeness to your situation, understand it is strictly unintentional or coincidental by the hosts.
The Laneway to Spirit
Signs from Beyond: Jennifer's Story
Have you ever felt a gentle breeze or stumbled upon an unexpected feather and wondered if it was a sign from beyond? Join me, Jay Lane, on The Laneway to Spirit as we explore these mysteries and more, sharing personal stories and experiences that invite you to reflect on your own spiritual journey. Discover how the belief that spirits watch over us as guardians can inspire us to be more mindful in our daily lives. We'll delve into stories like that of Jennifer, a grieving woman who receives an inexplicable phone call from her deceased husband's number, reminding us of the profound connections we share with the spiritual realm. These tales offer comfort and reassurance, suggesting that we aren't alone in our journey.
The journey of healing through spirit connection is a path many have walked, and in this episode, we walk alongside Jennifer as she seeks solace after the loss of her husband, David. Experience her emotional transition from sorrow to acceptance as she encounters signs of his presence, such as the familiar scent of his cologne and the mysterious phone call. These signs are not just fleeting moments but meaningful messages conveying love and support from beyond. Jennifer's story beautifully illustrates how love transcends physical boundaries, encouraging all of us to embrace these signs from our loved ones and foster deeper connections with both the spiritual and physical worlds. Listen in as we explore the healing power of spirit connections and the higher purpose they can reveal for us all.
Get ready to be captivated and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. Join me, your host Jay Lane, on Tthe Laneway to Spirit, as I share my stories and personal experiences in the hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spirituality. Grab your favorite mug and settle in and let's get started. Have you ever wondered if spirits watch what we're doing or if they know what we're thinking? Watch what we're doing or if they know what we're thinking? Spirits are often viewed as invisible beings that observe our lives, and I believe that they act as guardians or guides, watching over our actions and our thoughts. This belief encourages us to reflect on our behavior, reminding us that we're never truly alone in our journey. It highlights our connection to a larger existence, including those who came before us and those who will come after, and in moments of distress or uncertainty. Many people report experiencing signs from spirits, whether it's a gentle breeze that feels like a caress or the sudden appearance of a feather out of nowhere, and these signs are often perceived as coincidences, but they can serve as powerful reminders that spirits are close by, ready to offer comfort and guidance. They manifest during times of need, perhaps to reassure us that we're on the right path or to encourage us to seek solace in our struggles. The synchronicities and unexplainable events can invoke a sense of wonder, strengthening our connection in the spiritual realm and encouraging us to trust in a higher purpose. I've had many experiences to share of lost loved ones, but there's one story in particular that still holds a space in my heart. It was about a young lady who received signs from her departed husband while sitting in my office, and it was such an amazing experience. Now Jennifer had come to see me and she had sat in the corner of my office waiting for me, and her posture said it all. She was hunched over, her fingers entwined, as if holding back a flood of tears, and her grief was very heavy. It seemed to saturate the air in the room. In the week since her husband's passing, a vibrant woman transformed into a mere shadow of her former self. After a moment of silence, I leaned forward and I told her not to turn off her cell phone. Now, I don't know why I said that, but I did not saying a word. She reached into her purse for her phone, she sat it on her lap and then, out of nowhere, it started to buzz like a lifeline in her solitude. Glancing down at the screen, I saw her face change and she sort of like gasp for a breath. It's him, she said, her voice trembling. The screen displayed a familiar number her deceased husband's. We paused and surprised, both uncertain about what to do next. I'd heard stories about how the past can suddenly pull at us when someone we love is gone, but seeing it happen in person felt different. And I noticed her pause, her finger hesitating above the screen. What should I do, she asked. Answer it, I urged her. What do you have to lose? She took a deep breath and pressed the button. Just then the call dropped. She gasped and her face went white. I can't do that, she said, her voice a whisper. I understand, let's not force that. I've replied, trying to keep my voice calm and steady.
Jay:As she put her phone away, the mood shifted and a soft scent filled the air A man's cologne. Jennifer, I said your husband's here. I smell his cologne. She flinched before locking eyes with me. Her expression a mix of hope and doubt. How do you know that? It was his favorite Feeling? A strong sense of purpose, I continued. He wants you to know that he's keeping an eye on you. Is he capable of doing that? She asked let's explore this together. Have you felt any signs from him since his passing? No, she said, shaking her head, I haven't felt anything. She frowned and I could tell she was recognizing something. Then she says well, sometimes I catch a whiff of it in odd places like the grocery store or at work, but I always dismiss it, thinking it's just my imagination. So I said to her it's happening for a reason. If it's his scent, he's trying to connect. He wants you to remember how much he loved you. Jennifer tilted her head thoughtfully for a moment and I saw a flicker of warmth light up in her eyes. Her husband had been a constant source of love and laughter. His presence had been a safe harbor from life's storms.
Jay:As it prepared to guide her deeper into the reading, her phone rang once more. This time the display read no caller ID. Her hands trembled as she took a breath, the pain on her face revealing its struggle against hope. Do you want to answer that, I said. She nodded in hesitation I, I'm scared, but yes. And after a breath of silence she answered, putting it on speakerphone. Hello. Her voice was fragile, threading her sadness against the ghostly line, and then we could hear Jennifer. Can you hear me? It's me. The voice crackled, an almost whisper, yet vaguely familiar to her Fighting disbelief. She gasped. I could see the color drain from her cheeks while hope illuminated her expression, david. But there was only static and she began to cry and my heart ached for her. She hung up, looking drained but somehow lightened. He was just there. Oh my god, jay, how is that possible? We were both in disbelief. He wants you to heal, to continue living, jennifer. Jennifer's breathing steadied, as if the call had realigned something within her. She was not alone in this battle. She still had a partner whose whispers lingered in her reality. He also wants you to know that he's proud of you.
Jay:I continued what was the recent trip you took with your sister down south? At the sudden rush of recollection, repainted her features and went shopping. Last week we went to Toronto. I thought it might help to get away. I couldn't handle being alone in that big house. So I said to her in your shopping, what did you find? She said to me just clothes, some new shoes. I didn't buy anything too special. I felt so empty without him. So then I said to her well, didn't you go to his favorite restaurant while you were there. Surprised, she looked at me and she said yes, we went to an Italian place that we always loved, the one near the waterfront.
Jay:As she spoke, I felt a warm vibration in the air, as if David was entwining his presence with hers. Didn't you share his special dish there? She nodded, wiping her tears. Oh, yes, pastor primavera. We went there for her anniversary every year, jay. So I said to her he remembers. He watched you as you remembered those memories and how he loved when you smiled when you ordered it. He says he remembered how you always would take the first bite and then look at him and say, oh, it's too good to share.
Jay:She started to laugh, her eyes lighting up a glimpse of joy hidden beneath the layers of sorrow. How do you know that, jay? Oh, my God, was he there too? So I said to her, when you let go of fear of forgetting, and embrace the memory of love, they're never truly gone. They surround us, reminding us of our paths through life. His scent, she said to herself. I kept smelling it and it was so unexpected, just beautiful.
Jay:David was always so spontaneous like that. Do you have his cologne, I asked. She shook her head and then hesitated deep in thought. It's in a box, jay. Somewhere I packed everything. I thought it would hurt less if I didn't have to see it, so I suggested that bringing it out could be a beautiful way of connecting with him. And she nodded and I felt her grief shift, dissolving.
Jay:David's presence spilled around us, glowing so beautifully, and once we wrapped up our session, jennifer rose and smiled through her tears Thank you. I never expected and I interjected. Acceptance takes time, honey. Celebrate the snippets of his presence. They're pieces of your journey together. I will, she promised, and for the first time her face glowed with a spark of hope. Days turned into weeks, but every session I held with others who grappled with grief painted a powerful image in my heart the connections of love that are never broken. And each time Jennifer came, I could sense her healing, a layer of grief giving way to the vibrant memories she cherished. On one of her last sessions, jennifer brought a small box with her and inside laid the cologne still intact, a bottle of memories waiting to be unlocked. I'm ready, she said, and as the scent washed over her, david's whispers of love spiraled around us. That moment framed her grief not as a void but as a bridge of love and connection together. We remembered his laughter and his warmth. It was one of the most amazing feelings.
Jay:The belief of spirits encourages us to be more mindful in our daily lives. Recognizing that spirits are watching over us prompts us to value our interactions with both the spiritual and physical worlds. By paying attention to their signs and messages, we can find guidance during uncertain times, and this awareness gives us a sense of belonging, helping us see that spirits are active participants in our lives, offering love and support as we navigate our journeys. Embracing this idea allows us to feel that we're never alone in our experiences. I hope you enjoyed Jennifer's story and I want to thank you so much for listening in. I hope that you have a beautiful week ahead and until next time we'll see you again real soon. Bye-bye. Thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Laneway to Spirit. Thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Laneway to Spirit. To learn more about me, visit my website at mediumjaylane,com or my socials on Facebook and Instagram.