The Laneway to Spirit
Hi, I’m Jay Lane, Psychic Medium and Host of The Laneway to Spirit. My mission is to bring a unique perspective to the metaphysical world by sharing my personal stories and experiences in hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spiritual paths. Get ready to be inspired and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. So, grab your favourite mug, settle in, and let’s get started!
Drops Thursdays @ 8 AM EST!
NOTE - I just wanted to inform you that unless permissions were given, the persons discussed in this program do not reflect any person or situation. If you feel there is a likeness to your situation, understand it is strictly unintentional or coincidental by the hosts.
The Laneway to Spirit
Finding Comfort and Connection in a Doctor's Waiting Room
Imagine yourself in a crowded doctor's waiting room, feeling the anxiety of those around you. That's where I found myself, drawn to a woman, whose visible distress was palpable. As an medium, I couldn't ignore the energy swirling around us, nor the presence of a spirit by her side. What followed was a meaningful connection that underscored the power of empathy and spiritual awareness, reminding us that sometimes the most profound impacts can come from simple acts of kindness.
Join me, Jay Lane, as I recount this remarkable encounter that not only shaped my understanding of spirituality but also offered a glimpse into the unseen energies that influence our daily lives. From offering a complimentary angel card reading to providing a compassionate ear, this episode serves as an invitation to explore your spiritual side and consider the unseen forces that may be at play. Whether you're a seasoned spiritualist or just beginning your journey, this story promises to inspire and perhaps even shift your perspective on the connections we share with others and the spirit world. So, grab your favorite mug, settle in, and let's explore this incredible narrative together.
Get ready to be captivated and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. Join me, your host, ay Lane, on the Laneway to Spirit, as I share my stories and personal experiences in the hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spirituality. Grab your favorite mug and settle in and let's get started. Hello and welcome to Laneway to Spirit. You know I'm so excited to talk about this subject today because it's something I think that maybe some of you have experienced at one point in your life, and it's something that still has an effect on me to this day Now.
Jay Lane:Many years ago, I was off work due to a serious medical condition that I had and I was starting to feel like a regular at the doctor's office. You know, it becomes a full time job when you're always going, but I was particularly excited because I knew I was coming to the end of that medical and I knew that I was going to be returning to work soon and that my next doctor's appointment would be to talk about that. And so when I got there I was excited. But when I saw the number of people in the waiting area, I wasn't so excited, because I knew I would be waiting at least two hours to see him. And so you know you're sitting there and you watch people come in and come out of the office. Well, this one lady came into the office and she presented herself to the reception area and gave her health card info and everything else. But I felt so drawn to her and of course she came and sat right beside me and I could feel her energy. She was so agitated and as an empath I tend to take that on so I started feeling very agitated and so I thought to myself that I really needed to calm down and I looked at her and I smiled, thinking and hoping that my smile would at least make her feel more relaxed.
Jay Lane:But she was a bundle of nerves and she started to talk and a huge floodgate of nervousness poured from her and she started talking about how she drove from Karchi and that there was black ice on the roads and she didn't like traveling from there and it took her over an hour to get to the doctor's office and that she had rushed around all morning not wanting to be late for her appointment. But now she was starting to realize the same thing that I did when I walked in there and that she'd be there for at least a couple hours before being seen, and so she asked me why I was there. So I told her a bit about my medical issues, and then she started talking a hundred miles an hour about her husband dying and that he only had a few months left to live. I could see the despair in her eyes, and she was telling me that the reason why she was at the doctors was because she didn't want to show her weakness in front of her husband and was holding on to all of these emotions. And so when she spoke to me, I could see beside her what appeared to be a spirit of a man who was accompanying her, and in my mind's eye and inside of my soul, I could feel this energy start to talk to me, and he started telling me his name was George, and the man that was with him had this great, big, huge, animated mustache, and they asked me to help her. They asked me to give her good energy, and so after I listened to her talk, it was really kind of hard to get a word in edgewise, but I finally started to tell her that I did angel card readings and that I was off work and that I was just practicing how to use them and that if she was stressed out or she needed some time to herself, that I would be so happy, so happy to do an angel card reading for her and that we could both have tea and just relax and chat. And she was really excited to hear about that and thanked me for the offer. But she said that she couldn't really afford it. She had been off work because of her husband and I told her that I wasn't going to charge her anything because of course I was just practicing. And so I took a piece of paper out of my purse and I wrote down my name and my phone number and I said listen, just give me a call when you're ready. And she says, well, it may not be for a while, but I may take you up on it. So she thanked me and finally I got called into the doctor's office and when I returned to the reception area after my appointment she wasn't there anymore. So I left and I went home.
Jay Lane:So months later I returned to work and my life seemed to finally get back to normal and I was really happy about that. And so I'd started doing readings part-time on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and I had this client by the name of Derek would come to see me. I had picked up that there had been some family issues that needed to be settled out of province and I felt drawn westwards for some reason. And when I talked to him about it I really encouraged him to make amends with his wife's family and to bring her ashes there so that they could have a service and bury her in their family plot. And he agreed. He said it was finally time to bury the hatchet, and if that's what his wife's spirit felt that needed to be done, then that's how he would resolve this dispute that they were having. And he seemed to really find some peace in making that decision. And so he left and I didn't see him again until a couple months after that. And when I saw him again he seemed so happy to see me and he couldn't wait to tell me all about his visit to his wife's family out west and that they had the most beautiful and heartfelt celebration of life in her honor.
Jay Lane:And so I was really happy to hear that news when suddenly I felt the presence of a male visitor asking for Derek and asking Derek for a favor. And so I said to Derek. I said I have this male and I think his name is Mike and he says he's your neighbor and he's calling out to you and he says well, jay. He says I don't have a neighbor by the name of Mike, let alone a dead neighbor by the name of Mike. And so I told him that Mike was insistent on telling him that his wife, who lived next door, was not doing so well and she was having difficulties adjusting. Derek says I have no clue what you're talking about, jay.
Jay Lane:And I kept on talking to him, despite the fact that he was telling me that, and I was telling him that she was a tiny woman who had just dyed her hair blonde not long ago and that she needed to get some rest, she needed to eat more and she was going to be okay, and that he was watching over her. But the message to her was that he had promised to give her a sign that he had finally made it to the other side, and this was the sign. It was me telling him this. To pass along the message to her, I gave him a piece of paper and I wrote my name, jay, with my phone number on it, and I put it in his shirt pocket before he left. He left and he said, okay, I'll play the game, jay. And he left, chuckling to himself, said, around 1130 that night we receive a phone call and so Brad answers the phone and he said to the person on the other line that I was sleeping, but I notion to him that I was awake and to pass over the phone because I thought it could be an emergency.
Jay Lane:And guess who it was? It was Derek calling. And I said Derek, why are you calling me so late, are you okay? And he said oh, my freaking God, jay, are you sitting down? And I said to him I was sleeping. What's going on?
Jay Lane:He told me that he had things to do after he left my place and that he had visited a few friends and that he went out for dinner before he got home. He said that he had gone outside around 11 o'clock to take out the trash because the city picked up in his neighborhood at 7 am. And he said that while he was outside there was a young lady who approached him and said excuse me, sir, is this where you take the garbage out in this neighborhood at this time? And he responded that he took out his garbage at night because he always missed the 7 am run. He encouraged her to put the garbage in bins because the dogs up the road always made a mess of the garbage. And then he asked her who she was because he said he had never seen her before. And then she responded oh, I'm so sorry, I'm your new neighbor. Maybe you didn't recognize me because I was a brunette until a couple of days ago. I just dyed my hair blonde. I moved here a few weeks ago, but I guess you were away. He said yes, and he says Jay, my jaw dropped. He says I told her I went out to a funeral out West, shocked.
Jay Lane:He continued to tell me the story and he told me that he asked in his blunt mannerism if she had a dead husband by the name of Mike, and he said that the look on her face was absolute shock. He continued asking if he had died of cancer. He told me she was stunned and didn't know what to say. He told her to stay put and that he had something for her. He rushed back into his house and came back out and he handed her a piece of paper and said to her that he had visited a medium by the name of Jay and that while he was there, a spirit by the name of Mike had a message for a woman who was his neighbor and that her hair was blonde. But he didn't know what she was talking about. He said that Mike had a message for his wife and that he had promised to tell her when he got safely to heaven.
Jay Lane:As she unfolded the piece of paper and read it, she began to cry. She told him to stay there for a moment as she rushed into her home. She came back a few minutes later and in her hands was a piece of paper. Later, and in her hands was a piece of paper. On that piece of paper was my name and my phone number and the note that I had given her at the doctor's office months before. She explained to Derek that she had met me at the doctor's office while her husband was sick and that I had offered her a reading to help her during her stressful time.
Jay Lane:After Derek and I talked, he said that she'd be in touch with me. She did contact me and she did come over and I immediately recognized her as being the little nervous woman from the doctor's office and we hugged and we cried and, of course, when talking about what had happened, I asked her who George was, and the man with the big mustache telling her that these were the spirits responsible for the intervention oh my God, she said, and she started to cry some more. She told me that George was her father, who had passed away 23 years earlier, and the man with the thick mustache was her brother, mark, who had recently passed away. After filling in all the blanks about who these people were, she told me that the love of her life, mike, had passed away a couple of months after I had seen her at the doctor's office and that she had moved to Sudbury from Karchi because it was easier for her to travel, and especially during the winter months. So we talked about how ironic it was that she had moved beside my client and how her deceased husband connected to him to get a message through to her, and how her father and brother made sure that I offered her some comfort during her difficult time. I have to tell you it was the greatest experience of spirit intervention that I've ever had.
Jay Lane:I want to thank you all so much for listening in today. I love you guys all so much and until next time we'll see you real soon. Bye-bye. Thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Laneway to Spirit. To learn more about me, visit my website at mediumjaylane. com or my socials on Facebook and Instagram.