The Laneway to Spirit
Hi, I’m Jay Lane, Psychic Medium and Host of The Laneway to Spirit. My mission is to bring a unique perspective to the metaphysical world by sharing my personal stories and experiences in hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spiritual paths. Get ready to be inspired and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. So, grab your favourite mug, settle in, and let’s get started!
Drops Thursdays @ 8 AM EST!
NOTE - I just wanted to inform you that unless permissions were given, the persons discussed in this program do not reflect any person or situation. If you feel there is a likeness to your situation, understand it is strictly unintentional or coincidental by the hosts.
The Laneway to Spirit
Past Lives and Prophecies: Embracing the Journey of Reincarnation
Ever felt a tug at your soul, wondering if there's more beyond this life? Join me, Jay Lane, as I unravel my transformation from a skeptic to a believer in reincarnation. I share how my personal journey led me to a mystical world where past lives intertwine with our present, fueled by stories of children with astonishing past-life memories. My skepticism was put to the test when a life-changing encounter with a psychic medium unfolded new dimensions of understanding after my mother's passing. Through these tales, explore the profound idea that reincarnation is not just a cycle but a stepping stone to spiritual evolution.
What if a prophecy about a family member reborn into your lineage came true? A surprising revelation about my niece, Isla Beatrice, aligned perfectly with such a prediction, challenging my disbelief and bringing comfort amidst her struggles. This family experience reshaped my perception, opening my heart to the purposeful journey of reincarnated souls that carry love and hope into new lives. Tune in to hear how these uncanny connections and heartfelt experiences have enriched my understanding of reincarnation, offering a fresh perspective on the mysteries of life and the beyond.
Do you think reincarnation is real? Well, let me tell you a story about my mother's reincarnation, which I've shared before on this podcast. I hope you enjoy it. Get ready to be captivated and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. Join me, your host, jay Lane, on the Laneway to Spirit, as I share my stories and personal experiences in the hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spirituality. Grab your favorite mug and settle in and let's get started. Hello and welcome to The Laneway to Spirit.
Jay Lane:I'm so happy to be here to talk about a subject that totally freaks me out. I have to be honest, it does. It's something that has had a great effect on me and it's something that I was huge skeptic about. And yes, I'm a psychic medium and a lot of people out there think that psychic mediums are supposed to believe in everything unknown and paranormal and unexplainable. But I don't believe in everything, and reincarnation was one of the things that I did not believe in until just a few years ago, and although I do talk about it because I've learned about it, I never really believed in it. Like, do you believe in that? I mean, it's really a concept of rebirth of a soul, a spirit into a new body after death, right? So it's like you're coming back into a brand new body. And this idea of an eternal cycle of life, death, rebirth it's been embraced by so many different religions and cultures Hinduism, buddhism, I mean. I can go on and on. But it's not just limited to that, right, it's not just limited to spiritual or religious beliefs, because of many people from all kinds of I mean all walks of life, right? So many people have pondered this idea like what is reincarnation? Does God exist? Yes, no. Well, that concept raises so many questions and theories, and I've had discussions with so many people and so many clients in my practice that really believe that the purpose of reincarnation is to learn and to evolve, spiritually speaking. Now, this notion suggests that each lifetime is an opportunity to grow and to develop as a soul. So every experience, every lesson that you're learning is really shaping you for your next life.
Jay Lane:Other people don't believe that. They believe that reincarnation is a karmic thing. It's a way to balance out the karma of our past actions. And that would scare the living bejesus out of me, because if that were the case, I think I'm going to be reincarnating at least a hundred times. Oh my gosh, you know I stepped on frogs when I was younger, little toads, and I never really forgave myself over that one. But I think you get the idea here.
Jay Lane:But the thing is, if that idea, like the actions, our actions, are one day going to determine the circumstances of our next life, oh my God, you know what? Actually, some people have that fundamental belief. Can you imagine that? And they follow this concept Like they think that, and if I had to think that, I don't think I'd ever want to die, because then I'd have to come back. Oh my goodness, and I don't mind that. I mean, if I don't have any awareness of it, because I don't think you have any awareness of it, right, when you're reincarnated, you don't know, and sometimes you do.
Jay Lane:Now some reject the idea of that reincarnation and I was like that you know scientific evidence, give me the proof, I need to see it. And it's funny how we do that right, how we could be skeptical about something and not about something else. I mean, after all, I'm a psychic medium. I shouldn't be skeptical about this kind of stuff, but I did. I always thought maybe it's a psychological thing, maybe it's because of neurological factors, who the hell knows. But at the end of the day, I did question that, to be very honest. But there's so many cases of children remembering past lives, I mean with like huge accuracy, and I get a lot of clients that come in to tell me sometimes that they think their children are their grandmother, because they'll start talking about oh I remember when the house caught fire in 1960, or they'll talk about stuff that's happened in the family that they have no way of knowing about, and so it's really kind of weird. And so I get a lot of people that write to me or come to see me and ask me these questions.
Jay Lane:Now, for me I was, like I said, a big skeptic, but right after my mother died, I could not, for the life of me, feel my mother, and it really upset me because my mother and I had made an agreement before she passed many years in fact, before she passed that she was going to be in contact with me and how we were going to communicate with each other. And the thing is it was so specific and detailed and we had talked about this not once or twice but many times, and so I was positive that my mother was going to give me immediate signs of being on the other side, or give me some kind of energy field, or I mean, just give me something, just even initial B, because her name was Beatrice, and the thing is it didn't happen. It didn't happen, I was not feeling anything. So I went to see a psychic medium and this psychic medium told me that my mother she couldn't feel her, but she could feel my father, and told me that my mother had made it through on the other side. But that wasn't good enough for me. I needed to hear from my mother, I needed the evidence that she was on the other side and that she was close by. And maybe it's because I was so emotionally involved in this that I couldn't really actually feel her energy around me. And I was hoping that was the case because, like I said, I was desperate. My mother was my best friend, she was my mentor. She was my mentor, she was my everything, and I'm sure a lot of you can relate to your loved ones the same way.
Jay Lane:So I remembered a psychic, that I had done a reading with a psychic medium by the name of Eileen and she had, with very detailed accuracy, had done a reading for me the year before and had told me a few things that actually came to fruition. And I contacted her but her waiting list was four years. But when I contacted her she was going through something and said Jay, can we meet this weekend, Can we barter a reading, because I really need one. And I said, of course. So we decided to barter a reading. And so I met her on the weekend and I was so excited that I didn't have to wait months and months and months. But she was in need. So I gave her a reading and she was so thankful. But then she turned around and she said Jay, your mother's here.
Jay Lane:And I said how do I know it's my mother? She says she wants to thank you for the piano song that you played for her about 15 minutes before she died. My jaw dropped Because, if anyone knows the Pioneer Manor, which is a long-term care facility in Sudbury, ontario, I took the piano, which is a baby grand piano on wheels, and I wheeled that baby grand piano all the way to the front towards Cranberry Lane, because my mother's room was the very first room 101-1, very first room in that hallway and I pushed the piano very close by and I had played a song for her on that piano as she was being aspirated and given medication for the very last time, because my mother died very shortly after that. So immediately I knew my mother was around and I asked her why can't I feel my mother? She goes, I don't know, jay, but she says she has some things to tell you and you need to listen. So she says first of all she wants you to know that she did hate the name here of Rose. She hated it but she didn't have a choice and that's why she hated it. And I said I don't understand, she goes the name of Rose.
Jay Lane:And then I realized that when I first admitted my mother to the long-term care facility, I had to have her health card changed over from a red and white health card in Ontario to a photo card, which actually is photo exempt in Ontario for seniors that are in long-term care facilities. But I had to get her health card done and as a result of that I had to order her birth certificate, because I only had her baptismal certificate and on her birth certificate the name Rose Alma was there and my mother was always known by Beatrice but there was nothing in her documentation, although we applied under the known by Beatrice, but there was nothing in her documentation. Although we applied under the name of Beatrice, there was nothing that said Beatrice. All of her legal documents were Rose, alma, and she was so upset that her name was Rose. And she says I despise that name, nobody's to call me Rose, I don't like that name. So the thing is we asked the staff to call her Beatrice because that was her name. So I said yes, I said that did happen. So I told Eileen and I confirmed that, yes, I do understand the name situation and I told her the story as I just said.
Jay Lane:So then the next thing she said to me, which kind of made me chuckle under my breath, was the fact that my mother was telling me that she was coming back into this lifetime. And I said to Eileen what do you mean? She goes, your mother's coming back into her ninth cycle, jay. And I said well, what does that mean in English, you know, because I wasn't really understanding this ninth cycle thing. And she says well, she goes, I deal with reincarnation and your mother's reincarnating and her soul is coming back in 10 years and she is going to come back in April, august or December as a young girl, but she's in her ninth cycle, which means that this little girl will be very incapacitated, either physically or mentally or both. And I said to her, I said why would my mother pick to come back into a life like that? I mean, it's so difficult to, you know, go through that kind of lifetime. It's so stressful for the families and trying to take care of the child and the upkeep. And you know, I mean two people have to work nowadays.
Jay Lane:And she just said that my mother's soul was very highly evolved and because she was coming back into her ninth cycle, that she was coming here as a selfless soul, that she was coming here to show love and she was coming here to teach people love, patience and understanding through emotional, physical and mental experiences here on this earth. So, in other words, coming back in capacitated and disabled, she would be depending on many, many people in her lifetime to take care of her. And the thing is, you know, they're not here to learn lessons, these children, she said they were here to teach. And so when somebody was impatient, let's say, with this type of child and yelled at the child and then later felt guilty for their actions, they're understanding patience and love and it's so difficult and stressful to and I'm not saying this to be disrespectful to anyone. Please understand that it is very difficult to have an incapacitated child, because my mother had a child that was born, that was very, very incapacitated and died at the age of six months. So to hear her coming back this way was really quite shocking for me, and so I just thought it was really funny.
Jay Lane:So I asked for more detail. So I asked her. I said well, you told me April, august or December, 10 years or so from now. And I said who's supposed to have this child? Because my son already has children and I don't think he's going to have children 10 years from now because we're all getting older. And she says, jay, it's going to be in your family circle, it's going to be. And she says it doesn't even have to be someone who's blood related, but it is in your family circle and you will hear of it, and that child will carry your mother's name and the child will be born at the time your mother died.
Jay Lane:She goes when did your mother die? I said well, my mother died at 2.27 pm. She said hmm, that's interesting. So I call my niece after this reading. And I said to her. I said I had the weirdest reading ever in my entire life.
Jay Lane:She goes what I said. Well, do you remember when we were with Mimere and she was dying? She goes yes, my mother died. She goes 227, I said. Apparently, I said there's a baby coming in our family at 227 pm in April, august or December. That's going to carry my mother's name, first middle name, and this baby's my mother, being reborn into this lifetime.
Jay Lane:So we both broke out laughing, and I don't mean to be disrespectful. So, eileen, if you're listening, that's what happened. We did laugh and you know, we just kind of laughed about it. We never really talked about it because it was so for me, ridiculous. I was just really I was a big skeptic. I was a big skeptic, you know.
Jay Lane:So, moving on from that, in December two years ago, my niece calls me the same one that was with me when my mother passed and she goes oh, my freaking God, auntie, jay, she goes. Are you sitting down? I said no. I said why she goes. Okay, I've got a picture to send you. I said why she goes. I have a picture to send you. She goes, I'm going to be texting it over any second. She goes, just sit by your phone.
Jay Lane:So I received this text and it's this beautiful baby and the baby's middle name is Beatrice. And they're wow, I said what a cute little baby. I said who's that? She goes. You know her nephew? I said yes, she goes. That's his daughter. You know her nephew? I said yes, she goes, that's his daughter. And they're what I said she had a baby. She goes. Yes, I said how come? I didn't know about it. She goes. I guess she didn't share it with many people because she says the baby's not. Well, I said, oh my God, what's wrong? So she told me the baby's challenges and they're oh my goodness, that's so. That's so difficult for their family Because the baby was not only mentally incapacitated, she was also physically incapacitated.
Jay Lane:And she goes, auntie, she goes. Do you remember that reading you told me about? I said what reading she goes, the one from 10 years ago with that lady from England. I'm there, oh my God. I said yes. I said I remember that she goes. Didn't she say that, auntie? She says that your mom was going to come back and carry her name and she goes. This baby was born in December, auntie, and I said she was. She goes, yes, so then she sends me the note that's attached to the photo and the note says on December 20th at 2.27 pm, our world and family got a bit sweeter. Our sweet baby was born and we love her so much. She's so strong and brave, already born, and we love her so much. She's so strong and brave already.
Jay Lane:The story still brings me to tears because it was the time my mother passed and I believe that this is my mother's soul and I believe that this baby has come here to spread love in her family, that this baby has come here to spread love in her family. And the thing is she's so beautiful and she's already a little trooper and she gives hope to so many people. And I understand why souls come back. It's not a karmic lesson, it's not that bad things are going to happen to you when you come back. It's you choose your path. The soul is so highly evolved, it knows exactly what it needs to learn to have an effect on so many people. Because, I've said it so many times, our pain is our purpose and that baby is innocent and beautiful because she's just a little star. I'm telling you and also you know she lives at a distance and although you know, I don't know her well I feel so good that the spirit of my mother still lives on and has an effect on the people around her and she is spreading love, and she is spreading hope, and she is spreading joy. It's just for me, it's just so mind-blowing.
Jay Lane:Am I a skeptic? Hell, no. Am I a believer? Yes, I am. I'm a believer that there is reincarnation and I'm really happy that we don't remember our past lives and some people that do soon forget. Some children grow out of it, stop talking about it, while some carry it with them. There are so many amazing stories, but it just really opens up that question that does this really exist? Maybe you still have the opinion that it doesn't.
Jay Lane:Did we get the formula right? Is it why we're coming back here? I believe it really is for a higher purpose and for the good of all mankind. I really do believe that and I do believe that the soul needs to complete these cycles. Now, not everybody chooses to reincarnate, so to let you know if your soul decides not to come through another cycle, it simply won't, but just to be open to it and just to know that your soul is beautiful and it has purpose, even though you're not aware of it, you still have purpose. I want to thank you so much for listening in today. Thank you, I hope that you all have an absolutely beautiful week ahead and remember to be kind to each other. We really need kindness in this world. Take care, everybody, until next time. We'll talk to you again real soon. Bye-bye, thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Laneway to Spirit. To learn more about me, visit my website at mediumjaylane. com or my socials on Facebook and Instagram.