The Laneway to Spirit

Nurturing Psychic Children with Special Guest Liz Throp

Jay Lane

This episode explores the enchanting experiences of psychic children, emphasizing the importance of understanding and nurturing their gifts. With shared stories and insights, we provide valuable guidance to parents on how to create a supportive environment without fear. 
• Discussing the journey of psychic children and their experiences 
• Sharing personal stories that validate children’s abilities 
• The importance of supportive parenting for psychic kids 
• Understanding symbols and signs from spirits 
• Encouraging open communication about psychic experiences 
• Available resources for discovering psychic gifts

Special Guest:  Liz Throp
The Psychic Associates:  Free Quiz

Learn more about Jay

Jay Lane:

Get ready to be captivated and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. Join me, your host, jay Lane, on the Laneway to Spirit, as I share my stories and personal experiences in the hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spirituality. Grab your favorite mug and settle in and let's get started. Hello everyone and welcome to the Lame With His Ferret. I am super pumped today because today I have a very special guest with me and actually a friend, and that person is very special to me. She's actually a colleague of mine and we've been working together for a little over three years now, so I wanted to welcome today Liz Thropp. Welcome, liz.

Liz Throp:

Oh, Jay, I'm so happy to be here. Thank you so much, and I am just excited to be a part of your Laneway to Spirit.

Jay Lane:

Oh well, you know I'm excited too, because we're going to be talking about a very interesting subject today, and that is all about psychic kids, and you've been working actually with psychic children for quite a while, right.

Liz Throp:

Yes, I have. I launched a company called the Psychic Kids United about four or five years ago now. I've let it since dissolve because I'm now working with kids on a regular basis and I realized that the company itself wasn't necessary and so it was just extra work. And then, of course, we launched into another company that you and I have together the psychic associates. So I had to pick or choose and and um, uh, yeah so, but but I got so much experience with children as a result of of working in the psychic uh uh, kids united, that, uh, it just it was part of my plan to make life easier for kids that were intuitive and that were struggling and having difficulty mostly with understanding what their gifts meant to them and helping their parents, their grownups, understand how to deal with kids like that, because there's no you know, there's no guidebook out there for parents to understand how to work with kids like this, right.

Jay Lane:

That's so true. I was lucky because I had a psychic mother.

Liz Throp:


Jay Lane:

Yeah, I was very lucky, but could you imagine if she wasn't? I mean, I think there would have been so much confusion and fear.

Liz Throp:

Yeah, Because a lot of parents?

Jay Lane:

Well, that's my doubt, but it was fear, yeah, exactly exactly because I had a lot of parents that reach out and go oh my god, jay, I think there's something wrong with my kid and and it's not really necessarily that there's anything wrong it's just that they're gifted and they don't know what to do with it or how to deal with it or what to say to them, you know, which is, I think, very understandable, because it is quite shocking, and I know that you have a couple of stories actually around that, and that's one of the reasons why I was so excited to have you here today, because perhaps some people will be able to relate to some of these things, and it's not to be afraid of it, right.

Liz Throp:

That's right, and this is like the whole premise of psychic kids United was to take the fear or the sting out of this. We wanted to create an environment where this was as normal as sending your kid to an art class or a music class. If your kid's gifted at playing football, you can send them to football school, but if your kid's a psychic, where do you send them? Right? So you know, reaching out to somebody like myself or you who has the experience, is the best thing you can do to help support your child and you going through that as a grownup. So yeah, a couple of you know. One of the coolest stories I want to share with you is about my own dearest and nearest granddaughter, peyton, who, around two years old where you know how babies they're, they're, they're sort of they're learning language and they don't really truly understand what they're saying yet, like they, they have so much of a vocabulary but not a full like what you and I would have. So it started out with her telling me about her friend Poppy, and Poppy was this friend that she would hang out in the bedroom with or, you know, in the middle of the living room floor, playing dolls with and laughing and having a good old time while we're all staring at her having conversations with the midair right, and I knew this was spirit. So any of you that are experiencing a child with a imaginary friend, we'll call it. You know, really, chances are fairly very high that this is a spirit, either a member of family or spirit team member in engaging with your child. So she would have these conversations and it started out like who are you talking to, honey? Oh, it's Poppy. It's Poppy Emma. And then that progressed over a couple of months as she learned new language to express herself. It started out with what's so funny and she would say oh, poppy, all wet, emma. And I'm like all wet, what do you mean? Was Poppy in the shower or the bath? And she's like no, she all wet. And she couldn't explain why she was wet. But I was curious and I, like you, know what it's like, jay. Sometimes you can connect to a spirit, sometimes you can't. Yeah, when I couldn't connect to. But I thought this is for her, this is her, her connection, and I don't have to connect with every spirit that comes along.

Liz Throp:

So over a few more weeks she started to gain more language skills and she, she told me that Poppy was, was sad, and and I'm like, why is Poppy so sad? And she goes oh, emma Poppy leaves shoe in the water. And I'm like, oh well, that's a silly thing to do, isn't it? Leaving shoes in the water. And she's like not shoes, emma, shoe. She left her shoe, he left shoe. And I was like left her shoe, he left shoe. And I was like, wait a minute, he, she. And she's like no, emma, poppy, not a, she, poppy, a he, he, a boy.

Liz Throp:

And I'm like, oh, and that's when everything kind of came full circle for me in the moment. It kind of all made very much sense and I immediately got on the phone with my mother and I said, mom, so I need you to understand the backstory here. I have a brother who passed away when I was 10 years old and now his name was Bobby and, yeah, and my granddaughter was calling him Poppy, and it kind of the, the, the, like penny fell, and I was like, oh, my God, I think she's talking about Bobby. And so I called my mother and I said Mom, I need, I need to ask you a very sensitive question, and I'm not calling to overwhelm you, but I just need to know the answer to something and you're the only one that can answer it. And she's like okay, what are you about to ask me?

Liz Throp:

And I said, listen, when Bobby died, the police came and gave you a bag of all of the stuff that was left behind at the scene. When they recovered the body, there was some stuff that they had taken off of his person to give to my mother his clothing and such. I said, did you get everything back that he went to the park with that day and she said, yeah, yeah, I did. And I'm like, oh, okay, she goes, well, hang on a minute. And she says to my dad did, did we get everything back?

Liz Throp:

When, when bobby, when we got all his stuff in the bag from the police and and my dad goes, no, we, we didn't get everything back. We, there was a shoe missing. Remember, there was a shoe missing. So it was in that moment that we knew. I was like mom, poppy is not poppy, peytonton's, poppy is actually Bobby. And my mom's like I wondered that. I wondered that. So we had that beautiful symbiotic moment, yeah, knowing that my brother, who had been dead longer than he had been alive at this point, was literally hanging out with my granddaughter and playing with her was literally hanging out with my granddaughter and playing with her, and it gave all of us so much, you know, joy and and just the clarity that he was there hanging out and playing with her just was such a beautiful experience, jay.

Jay Lane:

It's amazing how kids can connect with spirit. You know, I get questions all the time like, can children see things? And I always say yes, because they're not told that it doesn't exist. I mean, they're so innocent to it, right, that's right. I think that's so interesting. But I love that story because it just validates that your brother's always around and even you know, playing with her. I mean, he was only 10 years old when he drowned. I thought that was just amazing, but I've connected with your brother and I think it's because.

Jay Lane:

I think, it's because my brothers actually you've connected with yes, I have, but very beautiful energies, you know. But you had another story which I thought was really interesting, because don't we find dimes and pennies and all kinds of money around and people always say, you know, I found a dime, does that mean anything? And yeah, I used to think that was bogus until I had a very personal experience with finding money myself. And the thing is, I totally believe that pennies come from heaven, trust me. But I really love this story because, again, it involves another child, right.

Liz Throp:

Yeah, it does. So I was doing an event, an evening with spirit event, where I was, you know, doing platform work for an audience and there was a mother, grandmother and child the child was about 12 years old at the time, I think, and I had felt drawn to them and I was bringing up a grandfather energy for the little girl and I said is your grandfather on the other side? And she's like she starts to cry. And I said okay, so that's our yes. And I said you know, I'm hearing him playing with change in his pocket. And they all gasped at that because this was his thing. You knew he was around because he was constantly playing with the coins in his pocket. And I said to her it's really interesting because I said I feel like he's still giving you money, though he's still like you're finding money all over the place. And she's like yeah. And I said what's the situation that she's like yeah, and I said what's the situation that happened in the house? I said you, you got a lot of money, you got a lot of money from that and, uh, and, and they were all like just blown away, gasping like visible, audible I should say audible gasping, invisible animation from all of them.

Liz Throp:

And the little girl went on to tell me that while she was playing with her little sister in their playroom, shortly after he had passed I want to say it was like days after he had passed they both heard the jingling of coins but he wasn't obviously not there. But he wasn't obviously not there. And she said and then all of a sudden, from where the wall meets the ceiling, that crevice there, coins just started pouring out of that area. She said it happened like, and the mother jumped in and said it was like a casino win. She goes, the amount of money that was there was like a casino win. And she goes, and you have to. Also, one of the things the mother said that was really interesting was like the coins slid down the wall. She goes because some of the coins didn't flip over when they hit the bottom, when they hit the floor, and some of them landed flat on top of the TV, so they fell in behind the TV and there was over $200.

Liz Throp:

That's crazy, toonies and loonies, over $200. That's crazy. When I heard this I was just like what? What is happening? But it's true. I mean apportations are a really big deal for spirit when they want to get your attention right. Oh, yes, a really big deal for spirit when they want to get your attention right. Yes, how many feathers have landed in front of you or you know? Pennies from having dimes coins, but he's in loonies, jay I was like.

Liz Throp:

I immediately put the APB out to all my loved ones on the other side and I said I'll take paper money. That's probably lighter for you. You can throw twenties, fifties, hundreds at me, I'll find them for you. You can throw 20s, 50s, 100s at me, I'll find them for you oh my god.

Jay Lane:

But you know what? It's true. I mean, brad and I went away on a vacation. When we came back there was a dime on the toilet seat like what the hell? We don't even carry change in our pockets. And there was no dime there when we left. And so someone really wanted us to see this dime. And so I believe in that. And when I was in new york city, brad called me frantic and said did you leave a blue jay feather on the stairs? You know, when you left and I'm there, pardon me, like what are you talking about? And he says did you leave a blue jay feather? I said it's January, like where the? Oh, I didn't know. No, I didn't. I took the suitcase up but I didn't have any feathers. And he had found a feather on the stairs and it was massive. It wasn't just this little feather and like out of nowhere, it's just sort of like appeared. And so I totally get that, you know. But I think it's really neat that he gave her that very specific I'm so beautiful, right what?

Liz Throp:

what a beautiful way to show that I'm not gone. Yeah, and you know, this will forever be solidified in your memory that I am still showing up for you, and I think, if we all, one of the things I hear from a lot of people who've lost somebody is they haven't shown up for me yet, or I just want to connect with them. I just want to be connected, and they are doing stuff like this to get our attention. Now, that was a real grandiose way of getting somebody's attention.

Jay Lane:

Let's face it Like that.

Liz Throp:

That's. I've never heard another story like that.

Liz Throp:

I have been sitting in my office here and feathers have fallen from the ceiling In my living room. Feathers have fallen. I have, you know, I have had animals birds, butterflies, dragonflies land on me. My husband had a bird land on him. Like that doesn't happen, like it's rare, right? So like you've got to pay attention to the subtle signs. They're constantly reaching out to us and if you pay attention, you'll see it and you'll feel it when you allow yourself to and know that they are always with us. Such a beautiful, beautiful to know that they're working with us all the time.

Jay Lane:

That's amazing. And you know, when it comes to psychic kids, I know that you're not doing the psychic kids united anymore, but we have a great quiz right For people to help their children find out exactly where their gifts may lie. Are they clairaudient, are they clairvoyant? Are they, you know, empaths, that kind of thing, yeah exactly.

Liz Throp:

I mean, it's not just for kids, it's for adults. So if you're feeling like you know, maybe you have a little some of this juju going on in you too then go to our website, thepsychicassociatescom. Check out the free quiz, find out where you are, find out where your kids are. But the number one thing I want to give a little tidbit of advice for parents of kids who are psychic the number one thing is you have to be supportive of it. Do not be in fear of it, because fear is what pushes it down and represses all of us, and we've all experienced fear in our life, all of us and we've all experienced fear in our life. And fear of this gift is only going to exasperate our connection.

Liz Throp:

So let's not put fear into the play. If they see dead people or they experience hearing them, or they have premonitions, have them draw or write, whatever their age capacity is to articulate it, and then do the research, ask for names, ask them to talk to the spirit and get names and information. If at any point, they feel fearful, like there's something nefarious which is so rare, I need to put this out there. It's very rare that they will target children for nefarious, which is so rare I need to play like put this out there. It's very rare that they will target children for nefarious reasons. It is, 99% of the time, a loving experience. But if you're ever in fear, call on Archangel Michael, call a psychic medium and we will help you get to the bottom of it. But don't ever express fear with this, because your only strength as a human is not to be in fear when it is something nefarious, right?

Jay Lane:

Yeah, exactly, I think too, fear makes the child think that there's something wrong with them. Yes, yeah, and you don't want to instill that thought. You know, because I mean, I've dealt with children before and the big thing I always ask a parent is okay, your child is old enough to be able to experience at this point, schizophrenia, different things? You know, have you had those things checked? And if you have, and it's a negative outcome, then it's most likely that your child is very gifted. And so the thing is it's hard to accept, especially if you're not exposed to it, and it's hard to comprehend, and it's fearful because you don't know how to help your child. And so parents need to be educated about these things as well so that they can help their child accept it and not be so fearful of it themselves, because some kids are afraid of what they see.

Liz Throp:

I know I was, you know one of the one of the big um things that I noticed over my uh years working with children is a fear of the dark. You know if your kid suffers from a fear of the dark.

Liz Throp:

You know, if your kid suffers from a fear of the dark, they're likely picking up on energy on some level. So, you know, give them a nightlight. Give them, you know, something that takes that dark, that pure darkness, out of the room. Maybe a little ambient light somewhere. Let them leave the door open, you know, give them they, they will tell you what they need. Shut closet doors right.

Liz Throp:

You know, keep the the underneath the bed clear so that the energy can move around free in a space. These are all things that you know. They just and sometimes they need you. They need, they need to crawl into bed with you because they've been overwhelmed Could be a dream that they've had that's overwhelming.

Liz Throp:

This doesn't mean you're a bad parent to let your kids sleep in bed with you. This means that you're being a loving parent and you know just, you're not in this on your own anymore. This is not something that is ignored or kept quiet or, you know, only talked about in the dark corners of the city. We are exposed now. Psychic mediums are everywhere. We are full and proud of ourselves now. So you know your child can have these gifts and likely and I think you'll agree with me on this, jay, likely if your child is gifted, I can guarantee you you are too or your husband, your husband or wife is gifted, or or even a grandparent, because they're there to show you to open up again. You may have repressed it as a child. It's your, it's your signal or ticket to open up again and start. You know, expressing and feeling and utilizing the superpower that you have and we have a great course for this on the Psychic Associates right.

Jay Lane:

Jay, we do.

Liz Throp:

The Psychic Development course is epic for anybody, and it's not to be a Jay or Liz right in the world, it's to support your life, having the wisdom and the awareness of intuition. I mean everybody's entitled to it.

Jay Lane:

Yes, absolutely. I just think it helps us, you know, it helps us make better decisions in life and it just gives you more confidence to trust your intuition, you know, and so I encourage all kinds of people to take the course. But, liz, where can we find you? Because you do some amazing psychic mediumship work, yeah. So where can we find you?

Liz Throp:

So if you want to catch me live, I do a Wisdom Wednesday every Wednesday on my Facebook page, which is Liz Throck the soul expert, and if you want to just check me out online, you can go to Liz Throppcom. So L-I-Z-T-H-R-O-Pcom.

Jay Lane:

Oh, liz, you know what. You're so freaking awesome. Thank you so much for helping me out with this today and for talking about all these wonderful subjects and kids. Thank you so much for helping me out with this today and for talking about all these wonderful subjects and kids, because you know what we have to open the door to this. It's just becoming more and more evident that younger children are starting to be exposed to this kind of information because of the internet and you know, I see so many kids trying to look up this information themselves to see, like, what's going on with me. So I'm very happy that you were on today to enlighten us and to let us know that you know it's OK and not to be fearful of it. That's right. Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you so much, liz.

Jay Lane:

Thank you everybody for listening in today. I hope you have an absolutely beautiful weekend Until next time. We'll talk to you again real soon. Bye-bye. Thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Laneway to Spirit. To learn more about me, visit my website at mediumjaylane. com or my socials on Facebook and Instagram.

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