The Laneway to Spirit
Hi, I’m Jay Lane, Psychic Medium and Host of The Laneway to Spirit. My mission is to bring a unique perspective to the metaphysical world by sharing my personal stories and experiences in hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spiritual paths. Get ready to be inspired and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. So, grab your favourite mug, settle in, and let’s get started!
Drops Thursdays @ 8 AM EST!
NOTE - I just wanted to inform you that unless permissions were given, the persons discussed in this program do not reflect any person or situation. If you feel there is a likeness to your situation, understand it is strictly unintentional or coincidental by the hosts.
The Laneway to Spirit
Do Spirits Photobomb?
Ever notice something peculiar in your photos, like an inexplicable orb or a mysterious shadow? On this episode of The Laneway to Spirit, I invite you into a world where the unseen becomes visible through the lens of a camera. As I share my journey, you’ll hear how a series of unexpected events connected me to a woman whose life was touched by my late mother's curio cabinet. Guided by the whispers of the spirit world, find out how this connection became a source of healing and transformation for both of us.
Join me as we explore the captivating notion that cameras can sometimes capture the essence of spirits, leaving behind traces of light or shadow that speak to their presence. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of serendipity, spiritual connection, and the comforting presence of loved ones passed, encouraging you to seek the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Get ready to be captivated and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. Join me, your host, Jay Lane, on The Laneway to Spirit, as I share my stories and personal experiences in the hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spirituality. Grab your favorite mug and settle in and let's get started. Ever take a photo and there's something weird in it, like an orb of light or a strange shape? Well, I think cameras can pick up images of spirits or energies that we can't see with our own eyes. The idea is that spirits or supernatural entities might give off light or energy at frequencies that we can't normally perceive, but cameras have a wider range of detection for different types of light and radiation, so they might be able to see and record these subtle traces of spiritual activity. That's why sometimes you get those weird orbs, streaks or hazy shapes in photos, and some people think that's evidence of ghostly presence that the camera managed to capture, even if we can't see it directly. Presence that the camera managed to capture, even if we can't see it directly Now.
Jay Lane:Years ago I was looking to find a home for my late mother's curio cabinet. I didn't have much space for it myself, but I really wanted to keep it in the family, so I reached out to my entire family my nieces, my nephews, my brothers to see if anyone could take it, but everyone said they didn't have the room for it. Since I couldn't keep it in the family, I decided to do the next best thing. My mother was such a generous person, so I decided to give the cabinet to someone in need who I felt would cherish it. That way it would go to a good, good home, just like my mom would have wanted. I decided to post an ad on Facebook marketplace asking people who needed the cabinet and why and how they would take care of it, and I knew my mother's spirit would guide me in finding the perfect person. Before posting it, I emptied the curio cabinet, I cleaned it and the glass and I polished it to perfection. I also took lots of photos from every angle to get the best one to include in the ad. And after I posted the ad, I got a bunch of inquiries. I think over a hundred people responded, but it seemed like most of them just wanted the cabinet to resell it for a profit. Then one morning, while I was having my tea, I felt like my mother was trying to tell me something. So I checked my marketplace emails and out of all the responses one really stood out to me like it was calling my name, and I opened the email and I read this really moving story. It was about a woman who had the courage to rebuild her life after escaping an abusive relationship. She sent photos of her new apartment the perfect spot for the cabinet and the woman also shared what she had planned to put in the cabinet, which included mementos of her late loved ones. After reading her story, I immediately reached out and got her phone number. When we spoke I could feel in my heart that she was the right person to receive my mother's cabinet. So the next day she came over with her friend to pick it up and we both got so emotional. But she was really grateful and I could feel the joy and appreciation of what I had given her and I knew she was going to take great care of it.
Jay Lane:A few months went by and I decided to clear out some old photos from my phone. I didn't think much of it. The cabinet photos were just taking up space, so I deleted them. So about a year had passed since I last logged into my iCloud account online. I was on my PC, which has this really big screen that I use for my Zoom meetings, and as I was scrolling through the photos saved in the cloud, I noticed that the photos from the cabinet were there too. I remembered that even though I deleted those photos on my phone, icloud had saved a copy. So I started going through them one by one, and I was deleting them when I noticed something really strange. On the left side of one of the photos of the cabinet there was some kind of shadow. At first I just thought it might be the cabinet itself, but when I looked closer I noticed the outline of what seemed to be a person. I zoomed in on the photo a bit more and I was shocked at what I saw the outline of my mother peering into the cabinet with my father's mother, yvonne, both of them deceased. Out of all the pictures I had taken, this was the only one with this ghostly image. I decided to send it to my brother for his opinion, wondering what he'd think he wrote back saying I'd done a great job photoshopping the picture. But I hadn't photoshopped anything. It was a spirit photo bomb. There was my mom looking up at the cabinet with a smile as if she was happy with how it looked. My grandmother and mom wore those retro cat eye glasses from the 50s in the photo. Though I no longer owned the cabinet, I know my mother was pleased that I'd given it to someone who would treasure it as she had the photo bombed image may just show a cabinet, but I could clearly see my mom and my grandmother there, a cherished moment I'll always keep.
Jay Lane:Which brings me to another story of my son, who shared a ring camera video with me. The video showed a man who had been alerted by his doorbell at 2 am, but there was no one there. My son mentioned seeing an orb on the footage and asked if I could make sense of it or feel anything around it. So I told him I'd take a look. When I reviewed the video on my computer's larger screen, I noticed the orb seemed to have something inside a kind of shadow. So I took a closer look at the footage on my PC. I saw an orb floating in front of the door, then a man in his pajamas answering the door not just once but twice, all within a few minutes. The orb seemed to be rotating in a full circle, but it was clear, the man couldn't see what the camera had captured so vividly, which was that floating orb.
Jay Lane:I captured a still image of the orb and when I zoomed in I could clearly see the face of a middle-aged man. He had dark hair, really thick eyebrows and a distinct upside-down U-shaped mustache and wore black horn-rimmed glasses. I also sensed the number 22 held significance for him, which in my experience could mean February 2nd or February 20th. So I called my son and I asked about the security camera footage and he told me it was from a co-worker who had shown him the orb floating by his door, but that the co-worker had never actually seen anything until checking the camera footage. I asked him about his father and if he had passed. Did his dad have dark hair, a big U-shaped upside-down mustache, you know, wearing glasses with thick rims? Was February 2nd or February 20th a significant date for him? And I also sent him the close-up screenshot that I had taken of the orb and the photo showed him very clearly. He said he'd get back to me in a couple of days. He wasn't working with his co-worker for a while and didn't know him well enough to call him at home. He also wasn't sure how open his colleague would be about sharing personal information. Plus, he didn't think his colleague believed in mediums, so he had to be careful about it.
Jay Lane:About a week later, my son called me back and had some surprising news to share. He was extremely excited as he told me that his co-worker's father had passed away about five years ago, on February 20th. To my astonishment, he even sent me a photo of the obituary. When I looked at the photo, I couldn't believe my eyes. The man in the picture was the spitting image of the person in the still shot that I'd captured. He was a middle-aged man with dark hair, thick eyebrows, arm-rimmed glasses and a distinctive upside-down U-shaped mustache.
Jay Lane:I sat there in shock. I was unable to process the incredible coincidence. My son was just as stunned as I was by this unexpected discovery. My son had shown his co-worker a photo of the orb and it was clear that his father's spirit had triggered the doorbell's motion sensor. His father was visiting him and although the man had never believed in the paranormal or mediums, he couldn't deny that this was a photo of his deceased father, who had manifested himself as a visiting orb. This was the energy that had set off the ring camera. So if you're wondering if any spirits have photo bombed, you take a close look at your photos. You never know what kind of otherworldly stuff they might have captured or who's visiting you. I hope you have an absolutely beautiful week ahead and until next time, we'll talk to you again real soon. Bye, bye. Thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Lying Way to Spirit. To learn more about me, visit my website at mediumjaylane. com or my socials on Facebook and Instagram.