The Laneway to Spirit
Hi, I’m Jay Lane, Psychic Medium and Host of The Laneway to Spirit. My mission is to bring a unique perspective to the metaphysical world by sharing my personal stories and experiences in hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spiritual paths. Get ready to be inspired and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. So, grab your favourite mug, settle in, and let’s get started!
Drops Thursdays @ 8 AM EST!
NOTE - I just wanted to inform you that unless permissions were given, the persons discussed in this program do not reflect any person or situation. If you feel there is a likeness to your situation, understand it is strictly unintentional or coincidental by the hosts.
The Laneway to Spirit
In the Company of Spirits: My Paranormal Adventures
Are you aware of the spirits accompanying you in your daily life? In this episode, I take you on a captivating journey through my encounters with various spirits while engaging in the simplest of tasks, like shopping for groceries or enjoying a meal in a food court. These stories reveal how spiritual energy surrounds us at all times, often connecting us with our loved ones in the most unexpected places.
Through laughter and poignant moments, I share firsthand accounts where spirits have bridged the gap between the living and the deceased. From heartfelt reactions to humorous instances, you'll find that the veil between worlds is thinner than we might think. For instance, hear how a simple trip to the grocery store turned into a heartwarming confirmation for someone who sorely missed their grandparents. Such interactions not only provide comfort for those still longing for connection but also illustrate how energy in vibrant locations, like restaurants, draws spirits to us.
Additionally, I delve into the complexities of spiritual communication regarding ethics and personal boundaries. It’s vital to navigate these interactions with care, respect, and empathy. You’ll learn how to recognize signs that your loved ones are with you, whether it’s through the peculiar little nudges we get or the foods they would have shared with us.
Join me on this enlightening episode where we celebrate the unbreakable bonds with the other side, reminding us all that our loved ones are never truly gone. Don't forget to subscribe for more engaging discussions and insights into the world of spirits!
Get ready to be captivated and intrigued as we delve into my life of spirits and all things paranormal. Join me, your host, Jay Lane, on The Laneway to Spirit, as I share my stories and personal experiences in the hopes of inspiring others to explore their own spirituality. Grab your favorite mug and settle in and let's get started. Hello everyone and welcome here today to Languid Spirit and I just love talking about spirit and I love talking about certain things. But you know, maybe some people out there will be able to relate to what I'm going to talk about today, because so many people ask me when I'm out and about and shopping, or whether it's for groceries, clothes, whatever. I have many people that approach me and ask me if I feel things. You know, could you feel anything right now? Is there anybody around you spirit wise? And I get that quite often when I go out and I really honestly don't mind that at all because if I feel something, I'll certainly share it with the person that is asking me. But we have at least 10 spirits that follow us every single day and if you're in a mall, in a shopping center, in a grocery store, at the hair salon, wherever you may be, everybody that's going to be there also has that like anywhere from five to 15 spirits following the round on any given day, and so it's amazing, when you're sitting down with somebody and you start talking about things, you're going to notice that some of the conversation is going to be the same or people are talking about the same types of things that can really relate to each other, and I believe that's because of spiritual activity that's around us every single day. Now people ask me when I go out if I could turn this off and really this for me, my clairsenses, my hearing, seeing, sensing, smelling all of these senses are with me every single day and every waking moment of my life, so it's something that you cannot turn off, and so I have a couple stories about that, actually, that I want to share with people, because I think that the kind of cuteness sense, and some of them are funny.
Jay Lane:But I did want to talk about some instances where people have asked me off the cuff Do you feel anything, jay? And so I remember about maybe five years ago, I was at the independent Grocers in Valcaran, which is just north of Sudbury, ontario, and I had gone to the funeral home that day and I had also gone to the cemetery in Hanmer and I was coming back and I had to pick up a couple of things. So I thought I would go into the independent grocers in Valley and so there was a lady there actually that when I saw her she ran right towards me and just grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug. Honestly, I thought I was going to like faint because she squeezed me so hard I had no air, no air left in my lungs. But she was so sweet, she started to cry and she was crying and I asked her like what's, what's wrong? Are you, are you okay? And she said to me she goes. You know, jay, you helped my friend so much. I know exactly who you are. And I said great, because I don't know who you are. She goes oh, I'm so sorry, my name is Nat. And she says I, you know, I had a friend of mine that lost her husband maybe about six or seven months ago and she went to see you and you gave her so much relief. I just, I'm so thankful for you. She goes because we had tried and we weren't getting through and we had suggested that she go see you. So she says I wanted to thank you for what you do. And I said oh, you're so sweet. I really truly appreciate the feedback.
Jay Lane:Natalie also had a question for me and that was whether I felt anything around her. And of course I said of course I do, you know. And she says what do you feel, jay? What do you feel? Oh my God, please tell me. So I told her that I felt two names that were coming to mind, and that of Jerry and Joanne, and the lady started to go down to the ground and almost fainted on me and it was like oh my God. So I picked her up and it's like don't faint on me, please. And then two people for the produce department came running by and asking if everything was okay, if we needed an ambulance, and she said she didn't need an ambulance. And finally, when she recomposed herself and kind of apologized, she was quite embarrassed for having fallen to the ground when I told her Jerry and Joanne's name and she then said to me you know, jay, I want to thank you so much for this. She goes. I know you know I shouldn't be bothering you while you're shopping, but she says Jerry and Joanne were my grandparents on my dad's side, and she goes, I love them so much. They practically raised me after my mother died when I was quite young. So she says I want to thank you so much just for mentioning that.
Jay Lane:But you know, I just I can't seem to turn it off, and sometimes it's quite clear to me who's there, and sometimes there are so many energies around that you really don't know who's popping by. I mean, I've been in a mall where you know I've been shopping for shoes and all of a sudden I feel energy like right beside me and it could be just someone replaying residual energy and you know, shopping with their loved ones and trying on shoes. But you'd be amazed at what some of these spirits do and how they react, especially around food. And so my biggest problem is when I go to the mall and I go to the food court. You're going to get a lot of spiritual activity there. I'm telling you. It's raining spirits in that area and so I absolutely don't mind it. But if I really want to eat in peace, I have to take something and take it to my vehicle and eat it in there. Otherwise I feel like I want to tell everybody messages, and really that's not why I'm there. They're usually to shop or to run errands and to do things that I need to do. But you know, spirits are everywhere and you'd think, like where else could they appear? Well, folks, they even appear in the bathroom. And you've heard me right.
Jay Lane:I remember going recently to Kirkland Lake and I was in an older building there and I was using the bathroom. And as I was using the bathroom, I was alone in this great big building, I was getting ready for some readings that afternoon and I heard someone clearly say hey. And of course I said hey, right back and I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear any footsteps, I didn't hear any doors closing, opening, and so I get out of this bathroom and this is like I'm telling you guys, this is a really old bathroom. So I get out of this bathroom and I start walking around when I realized that I was by myself. So I of course had a very audible spirit with me and it was a female, but she was trying to let me know that she was there and I of course felt a little strange at first, you know, because when I realized that there was no one there, I knew exactly what was happening, but I didn't know who was trying to get my attention. But I honestly felt that it was my very first client spirit coming through, because that spirit had hung around until this woman finally showed up. And then, of course, I felt that presence leave for a bit. But I honestly feel that sometimes spirits will visit me before I even get a client come to visit me.
Jay Lane:So one morning I'm brushing my teeth and I just, like you know, looking in the mirror and out of nowhere, I just keep on seeing like pierogies on pizza and I'm thinking like what the heck is this? Why am I seeing pierogies on pizza? And so I didn't know why I was seeing this. And so about maybe three, four days later I went to Timmins and in Timmins my friend had said you know, don't eat anything, make sure you come here, we're going to have dinner ready for you. And I said Okay. And so I happened to show up around eight o'clock at night. I was just starving. And what did they have? They had pierogi pizza and to be very, very honest, I didn't like it. But they really enjoyed it and thankfully there was other thing, there were other things to snack on, so it was really good. But I didn't even know that they put pierogis on pizza, guys, and so it's something that I learned from spirit a few days before I actually went there. So I had a spirit with me giving me a premonition of what was to come, and so I knew exactly who that was. Once I was with my friend and sitting down with this pierogi pizza.
Jay Lane:So spirits are going to be around us in the weirdest places. Yes, they come to us for medical appointments. So they do. They come to us for hair appointments and or with us, I should say, for hair appointments, and they're ever present pretty well everywhere that we go, and so spirits will sometimes let you know that they're around. Sometimes they don't let you know they're around, but spirits are around us every single day, and so, especially in restaurants, I will feel a lot of residual energy in a restaurant own meal, because I'm so preoccupied with the feelings that I feel around other people, or you know, I'll be sitting there observing somebody and I know exactly what's going on in their lives because their spirits are communicating with me, and so, of course, it's not cool to just go up to someone and say, excuse me, but I'm a medium and I'm feeling this around you because, of course, we have a code of ethics that we need to follow, and, of course, not everybody's going to be receptive to that kind of information or that kind of approach, but, for the most part, spirits really want us to know that they're around.
Jay Lane:So if that favorite song comes on of theirs, or you're seeing repetitive numbers, or you're smelling perfume and it was something that your mother, or cologne that your father wore you'd be sure that these spirits are lurking around and enjoying the happiness that you're basking in when you're shopping or when you're eating, because energy is high when we're shopping. Energy is high when we're eating food, and spirits love to come around that very vibrant energy. They absolutely love it. And so next time you're out shopping, you know, ask yourself who's shopping with you, ask yourself who's coming along for the ride or who's sitting in your vehicle, because even though you don't see them, they're still there. They're still there.
Jay Lane:And so, in letting you know that, all mediums you know some of them will tell you that they don't feel anything in that moment, and I don't think it's because they don't feel anything. It could be that they're feeling things, but, in all honesty, when you're in an area that's so large and you have so many spirits around you. You don't know if you're going to get the person that you're speaking to their direct spirits, or you don't know if you're getting a spirit from three aisles over. You know, I mean the thing is, at the end of the day, when you're a psychic medium, you're going to feel all kinds of things. It's to decipher which ones belong to, who and what the message is, and so a lot of people that are gifted will tell you that they've turned it off, and so for me, that just tells me that they've learned to ignore certain things so that they can have peace of mind or so that they can just actually enjoy what they're out to do in that moment. And so a lot of people want to reserve their energy and, you know, maybe not share so much with me. I, you know, tend to travel quite a bit, and so a lot of people will come up to me and start chatting. So if they're open to receiving, I'm sure open to giving them the information that's around, because if I hang on to it it follows me around, and I've learned that I have to actually, you know, do this little ritual every night so that I'm not taking these spirits with me or that I'm not keeping them around. They need to go back to their original source so that they could do what they're meant to, or to be around their loved ones. But the minute they know that you can hear or sense them, they do come around. That's why we're considered lightworkers, because they're attracted to that light, and so that's what's so interesting.
Jay Lane:Now, there are different places that you get spirits. Hospitals are really big, long-term care facilities are really big, because sometimes people will die in these areas and not realize that they've died, and so sometimes spirits are around and they need to be sent over to the other side. And so very often, if I go visit you know some friends or family at the Pioneer Manor, or if I go to a hospital or anything like that any spirits that are lurking around I'll quietly tell them inside of my you know, inside of my head just that they need to go, that the light is there for them and that they need to accept it and just to not be so afraid of it, and so you don't have to be a medium to do that. So if you're feeling energy around you and you're not too sure, maybe you need to tell them that it's okay for them to go back to their original state, to go back to the light, and that they're going to be okay, because some spirits actually are grounded and come around us quite often, and some of them are a little bit confused as to where they are. So they just need to be reminded that the light is there and that they could certainly go towards it, and they're going to be so happy when they do. And so it's not for everybody.
Jay Lane:But if you do feel like that, don't be afraid to talk to spirit and have that conversation with them, even inside your head. There's nothing wrong with that. If you're feeling something or if you're getting some kind of you know download of energy, you just go with it and go with the flow and don't feel so bad. Spirit's not there to hurt you. They're only there to help us or just to be around us, because they care, and some spirits actually don't have messages at all. Some just want you to know that they're there with you, as they were in life. They go shopping and enjoy all of these things with you. They actually still do that, but we don't feel the same way because, of course, we miss them and they're not present to us anymore. They've passed away and we know that they're buried and we know that you know that they're in the afterlife, and so it's very hard for us to sometimes even think that they can hear us or sense us or that they'd be around us, but they are.
Jay Lane:I want to thank you all so much for popping by and for listening to my little chats about spirit. You know I absolutely love talking about these experiences because it just helps us grow and it helps us understand that also. You know we may not understand what they want or why they're around, that really their intentions are pure and they just want to let us know that they love us and that they haven't forgotten about us. I hope you all have an absolutely beautiful day ahead and until next time I'll see you real soon. Thanks for listening in. I hope you enjoyed today's Laneway to Spirit. To learn more about me, visit my website at mediumjaylane. com or my socials on Facebook and Instagram.